Tanja Brdarić

Senior research associate

Research interest: environmental protection, electrochemical advanced oxidation processes, analytical chemistry, synthesis of anode materials, molecular spectroscopy, аntioxidant and аntiradical аctivities of flavonoids.


BSc in Physical Chemistry (2004), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, BSc thesis title: “UV-VIS spectroscopic investigation of the copigmentation reaction of cyanidin chloride in aqueous buffer solutions”.

PhD in Physical Chemistry (2014). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, PhD thesis title: “Spectroscopic investigation of the antiradical activity of hydroxyl flavones and their iron (III) complexes”.


2007 – 2014   “Kirilo Savić “ Institute a.d. Belgrade

2014 – present, Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča

Active projects:

Program topic: Removal of pollutants from the environment (2021- present); project leader.

List of five selected publications:

  1. Т. Brdarić, Z. Marković, D. Milenković, J. Dimitrić Marković, A joint application of vibrational spectroscopic and quantum mechanical methods in quantitative analysis of baicalein structure, Monatshefte Fur Chemie 143 (2012)1369–1378, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706-012-0805-6
  • D. Aćimović, S. Karić, Z. Nikolić, T. Brdarić, G. Tasić, М. Marceta Kaninski, V. Nikolić, Electrochemical oxidation of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in polluted concrete of the residential buildings, Environmental Pollution 220 (A) (2017) 393-399,


  • D. Acimovic, Z. Nikolic, M. Tosic, D. Milovanovic, V. Nikolic, T. Brdaric, M. Marceta-Kaninski, Validation and uncertainty estimation of UPLC-PDA method for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in concrete, Journal of Hazardous Materials 325 (2017) 271-278


  • B. Savić, I. Mihajlović, S. Milutinović, M. Seović, Ž. Nikolić, M. Tošić, T. Brdarić, Validation and uncertainty estimation of an analytical method for the determination of phenolic compounds in concrete, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 84 (1) (2019) 55-68, https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC180518106S
  1. M. Ječmenica Dučić, D. Aćimović, B. Savić, L. Rakočević, M. Simić, T. Brdarić, D. Vasić Anićijević, Is It Possible to Restrain OER on Simple Carbon Electrodes to Efficiently Electrooxidize Organic Pollutants? Molecules. 27(2022) 5203-5221, https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27165203