Marina Dabetić

Research Assistant

Research interest: security, risk management, nuclear security, HBRN risks and threats, environmental security and environmental protection.


BSc in Security Studies (2012), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, BSc thesis title: “Trends in the privatization of water resources in conditions of their scarcity and sustainable use”.

MSc in Security Studies (2014). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, MSc thesis title: “Application of the concept of sustainable development in environmental protection of the local community”.


2015 – 2019, Teaching Associate, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies

2019 – present, Research Assistant,Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča

List of five selected publications:

  1. Dabetić, M., Nikolić, D. (2022). Energy Policy in International Relations Focusing on Issues of Energy Security of the European Union. Security. 64(1), 124-156
  2. Dabetić, M. (2022). Prevention and response in the case of CBRN incidents. International Scientific Conference Sustainable Development and Green Economy. Belgrade, Serbia. April 19-21.
  3. Cvetković, V., Eric, N., Filipović, M. Popović Mančić, M., Kešetović, Ž. Radojević, N. (2018). Public Risk Perception of Terrorism Threats in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo. 69(4) 279-298. M23,
  4. Cvetkovic, V., Ronan, K., Shaw, R., Filipovic, M., Mano, R., Gačić, J., Jakovljević, V. (2018). Household earthquake preparedness – a study from selected municipalities: Acta Geographica Slovenica, 59(1).
  5. Filipović, M. (2018). Environmental education in the function of proenvironmental behavior. Security.  60(1), 99-111