Filip Veljković

Senior research associate

Research interest:

Mass Spectrometry, High-temperature chemistry, Metal clusters, Ion source modification and small chemical reactors design in mass spectrometry, Laser desorption ionization.


MSc of Science Degree (2011), at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, BSc thesis title: “Mass spectrometric determination of the ionization energy of the K2 cluster in halogens of the K2X type”.

PhD Degree (2016) at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, thesis title: “Synthesis, charasterization and properties of potassioum halide clusters”.


July 2011 – present, Department of Physical chemistry, „Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences – National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade.

Active projects:

Program topic: Optical emission (OE) and mass spectrometry (MS) for the characterization of plasma, clusters and polymeric materials. (2022 – present), project leader.

A list of five publications:

1. F. Veljković, I. Radović, D. Toprek, D. Petrović, M. Stoiljković, V. Mitić, S. Veličković, Laser

desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry of yttrium (III) chloride. Mod. Phys. Lett. B 35 (2021) 2150454.

2. P.S. Dimitrijević, S. Veličković, A. Ivanović, F. Veljković, M. Jovanović, Ž. Kamberović, B. S.

Dimitrijević, Recovery of tungsten trioxide from waste diamond core drilling crowns by nitric acid leaching. Int. J. Refract. Hard. Met. 101 (2021) 105695.

3. М. Mitic, M. Milovanovic, F. Veljkovic, A. Peric-Grujic, S. Velickovic, S. Jerosimic, Theoretical

and experimental study of small potassium-bromide KnBr(0,1+) (n = 2–6) and KnBrn-1(0,1+) (n = 3–5) clusters. J. Alloys Compd. 835 (2020) 155301.

4. P.S. Dimitrijević, B. Vurdelja, B. S. Dimitrijević, F. Veljković, Ž. Kamberović,

S. Veličković, Complementary methods for characterization of the corrosion products on the surface of Ag60Cu26Zn14 and Ag58.5Cu31.5Pd10 brazing alloys. Corros. Rev. 38 (2020) 111-125.

5. V. Dodevski, B. Janković, M. Mirković, M. Kragović, I. Radović, F. Veljković, M. Stojmenović,

Carbon dioxide activation of the plane tree seeds derived bio-char: Kinetic properties and application. Therm. Sci., 24 (2020) 3807-3821.