Bojana Ilić

Research Associate

Research interest: Biomaterials, stem cells, biocompatibility testing, bioactivity of nanoparticles, antibacterial effects of nanoparticles


BSc in Dentistry (2009), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Dental Medicine

PhD in Medicine (2016). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Dental Medicine Faculty, PhD thesis title: “Biocompatibility investigation of nanosynthesized materials based on calcium silicates and its impact on pulpo-periodontal tissue”.


2016 – present, Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča

2015 – 2016. School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade

2013 – 2015. Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac

2012 – 2013. School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade

Active projects:

Program topic: Biomaterials for application in tissue engineering (2021- present); participants.

Program topic: Structure and dynamics of telomeres under conditions of cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway activation and inhibition in peripheral blood lymphocytes (2022- present); participant.

Transfer technology program funding by The Innovation Fund of The Republic of Serbia: “Application of Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles for Skin and Oral Treatment” (2022-2023), participant.

List of five selected publications:

  1. B. Ilić, B. Petrović, J. Marinković, J. Miletić Vukajlović, M. Stevanović, J. Potočnik, V. Jokanović. Investigation of Ion Release and Antibacterial Properties of TiN-Cu-Nanocoated Nitinol Archwires. Coatings. 13 (2023) 1587.
  2. J. Filipovic Trickovic, M. Momcilovic, G. Joksic, S. Zivkovic, B. Ilic, M. Ognjanovic, M. Novakovic, A. Valenta Sobot. Laser Ablated Citrate-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Display Size and Concentration Dependant Biological Effects. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. 2023 (2023) Article ID 9854356.
  3. T. Zibar Belašić, B. Pejova, H. Otmacic Curkovic, E. Kamenar, B. Ćetenović, S. Špalj. Influence of intraoral application of antiseptics and fluorides during orthodontic treatment on corrosion and mechanical characteristics of nickel-titanium alloy in orthodontic appliances. Angle Orthodontist. 91 (2021) 528-537. doi: 10.2319/052620-480.1.
  4. B. Cetenovic, B. Colovic, S. Vasilijic, B. Prokic, S. Pasalic, V. Jokanovic, Z. Tepavcevic, D. Markovic. Nanostructured endodontic materials mixed with different radiocontrast agents—biocompatibility study. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 29 (2018) 190. doi: 10.1007/s10856-018-6200-z.
  5. B. Cetenovic, B. Prokic, S. Vasilijic, B. Dojcinovic, M. Magic, V. Jokanovic, D. Markovic. Biocompatibility Investigation of New Endodontic Materials Based on Nanosynthesized Calcium Silicates Combined with Different Radiopacifiers. Journal of Endodontics. 43 (2017) 425-432. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2016.10.041.