Milica Ćurčić

Sresearch Assistant

Research interest: Security, National security, National interest, Security threats, CBRN threats, Nuclear security, Risk assessment


BSc in Security Studies (2012), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, BSc thesis title: “Characteristics of Islamist terrorism in the Balkans”.

MSc in Security Studies (2014), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, MSc thesis title: “The Western Balkans as a regional security sub-complex”.

PhD in Security (2023), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, PhD Thesis title: National Interest as an Analytical Framework for Research of the National Security Policy of the Republic of Serbia”.


2017-2018 Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Sector for the implementation of agreements and support to the liaison officer at the European Union mission in Pristina, Liaison officer Assistant

2018 – present, Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča

2020 – present, Security and Defence Officer, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča

Active projects:

Program topic: Development and implementation of new materials, methods and protocols in the field of prevention, protection and effective response to potential CBRN accidents (2021- present); participant.

Program topic: Optical emission (OE) and mass spectrometry (MS) for the characterization of plasma, clusters and polymeric materials(2021- present); participant.

List of five selected publications:

  1. Врачар, M., Ћурчић, М. (2022). Војна неутралност Републике Србије као стратегијска категорија. Српска политичка мисао. 41-65. DOI:10.22182/spm.specijal2022
  2. Trifunović, D., Ćurčić, M. (2021). National interest in security science: a realist perspective. National Security and the Future. 22(3). pp. 73-89.
  3. Ћурчић, М., Вукелић, M. (2020). Жене са територије Западног Балкана у исламским терористичким организацијама. Безбедност. LXII (2), 174-192. ДОИ: 10.5937/bezbednost2002174C
  4. Dragišić, Z., Ćurčić M. (2019). Weapon of Mass Destruction and Contemporary Security Studies. Security Dialogues. Vol. 10, No. 1-2, pp. 231-243. 623.454.8:355.019.1/.2]:341.24
  5. Ćurčić, M. (2018). Asymmetric Threats in Security Studies. Asymmetry and Strategy -Thematic Collection of Articles. Strategic Research Institute and National Defence School, pp. 17-31. ISBN 978-86-81121-17-7