We are pleased to announce that the 9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection ENVIROCHEM 2023 will be held in Kladovo from June 4–7, 2023. The associates of the Department of Physical Chemistry were also engaged in the organizational, scientific, and executive committees of the symposium this time as well. For more information, visit envirochem.rs.
Fellow of the Department of Physical Chemistry on the list of top scientists at Stanford University
Dr. Bojan Janković is on Stanford’s list, which includes scientists ranked in the top 2% of the world’s scientists for the results achieved in their entire career as well as for the results achieved in 2020 and 2021.
Visit to the Institute of Physics in Zagreb
During their visit to the Institute of Physics in Zagreb from December 5 to December 9, 2022, Dr. Miloš Momčilović and Dr. Jelena Petrović maintained their inter collaboration with the Plasma and Laser Applied Research Group, led by Dr. Nikša Krstulović, through joint experimental work. On that occasion, samples of nanoparticles and thin films were synthesized, which will be further characterized at the Vinča Institute. The results of joint research will be published in an international journal and presented through announcements at scientific conferences.