Ana Lazić

Research Trainee

Research interest: analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)


BSc in Chemistry (2022), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, BSc thesis title: “Quantification of toxic and essential elements in samples of the trabecular part of the femur”

MSc in Chemistry (2023), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, MSc thesis title: “Human biomonitoring of the adult Serbian population: Content of toxic elements in whole blood samples”


2023. “Branko Ćopić” Primary School, Belgrade, Serbia

2023 – still Doctoral candidate, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia

2023 – still Junior Research Assistant, Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinča”

Active projects:

Program topic: Development of laser methods for pollution detection and environmental monitoring (2024- present); participant.

Program topic: Interaction of laser radiation with materials: basic research and application in nanotechnologies (2024- present); participant.